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Music Submission 

Thanks for stopping by the music submission page, this is where artist can upload their music to #SRN to be heard and downloaded directly by urban radio program directors, music directors and mix show djs. Music will be listened to on secured pages by industry tastemakers, As a courtesy we will make your song 320 kbps free..... Thanks #SRN




1. Please make sure your music is titled correctly: Artist Name and Song Title.

2. Send 1 song or 1 song service pack,  CLEAN MUSIC ONLY .. (Remember going to radio)

3. After we review your music you will be sent a paypal link for $50.99, music will not be uploaded on the site until payment is received. NO EXCEPTIONS.... 

DISCLAIMER: We are in no way responsible for the tracking or promotion of your music. Once you send us your music you give us permission to place your content on our sites as we see fit to do so.

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